
How to add my own photos
Click on any space that says add photo here and a box will appear saying click or drop images here. If you click on the box your computer folder will appear so you can navigate and choose a folder from your computer. If you already have a folder open, you can drag the file from that folder and drop into the square. Images must be in .jpg or .png format. Once you image is in there you can move the image around by click and holding on the image. You can then resize your image by pulling the double arrows in the lower right-hand corner – or by clicking on the “transform” bottom below the image (on the left) and using the slider to zoom in and zoom out. If the image is smaller than the box and you want to position the image in a part of the box hit the position button under the image (in the middle) and you can center the image or move to the top. In the end if you don’t like what you have done to the image and want to start over, hit the reset button (under the image on the right).


How to change existing text
Change text by highlighting the text you want to remove or change and start typing your text. When in a text box you can change the font, size, position, bold italicize or underline using the font format box. Any changes you make in the format box will be applied to only the verbiage in that text box.


How to add text
To add a new text box to a blank area click the “add a new text field” tab – An “Add New text” pop up will display – this is where you enter the text that you want to add to the page. When you are finished hit “add Text” and the new text will show in the center of the page. If you hover over the new text the cursor will turn into a hand. If you click the new text box and hold down the button, you can move the the text around the page. Release the mouse when text is in the spot you want.


How to inserting a graphic

We have some preloaded graphics that you may want to use to personalize your program with. Click on the insert a graphic or symbol tab and graphic categories will appear. Click on a category and images will appear. Scroll through the choices and click on the one you want to add. The image will be added in the center of the page. To move the image, hover over the image and the cursor will turn into a hand. If you click and hold the button, you can move the the image around the page. Release the mouse when the text is in the spot you want.


How to resize an image
You can resize the image by pulling the double arrows in the lower right-hand corner. You can duplicate the image by hitting the copy icon in the top left-hand corner. You can turn the image by click and hold the button on the turn icon in the top right-hand corner and you can delete the image by clicking the trash icon in the lower left corner.